jueves, 12 de abril de 2007

letter to the governor

We usually use informal expressions to write letters but if you need to do a request about your city we should use formal expressions

Dear Mr. Rosales receive my cordial greetings, the present letter is to inform you of various problems that we have in the city of Maracaibo, and also I want to present options in order to solve some of the problems.

First of all, we mention the high number of the delinquency that increases having no enough basic security for the every day living.

The public transportation infrastructure is chaotic, we see the buses full of people and buses stations are also full of people waiting to be transported to their houses or jobs, which indicate that the actual amount of units and routes are no enough to cover the demand in transportation.

Another problem that affects our city is the culture of drivers and pedestrians following basic rules of transit in this city.

Proposed solution:

To solve the problem of delinquency I propose to have more presence of the police in the street, it is basic to understand the root cause of the problem and to establish a master plan focused to solve this.

To solve the problem in the transportation infrastructure, it is necessary to evaluate the amount of units, we need a sort of unit capable of transport more people, routes well designed in function of the movement of the people, it is basic to know where the people wants to go at what hours and focus this point.

We have to start changing the culture of our children if we want to have good citizens
In the future, use the TV in order to enforce an advertising campaign focused in this item, and use also the radio and the news.

Please consider these basic solutions; I think we have a very good city and we love Maracaibo. I think that we deserve to live better and that the solutions is in your hands.

Sincerely, Mario Valbuena.

Now, my friend reader! What are some problems and solutions you have in your city? Please, let me know.

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